Bicolor blooms in a range of eggplant to lavender.
Vigorous plants produce abundant, artful blooms.
Bite-size for use as edible garnish.
Attractive mix of pastel and rose shades.
Classic cornflowers in blue, pink, red, and white.
The standard choice for field-cut snaps.
Early mix for spring and summer production.
Petite blooms light up bouquets and garden beds.
Beautiful blooms and unusual seed pods amidst lacy netting of greenery.
Dark-orange petals rimmed with gold, a favorite around the world.
Needle- or quilled-type blooms are a unique addition to bouquets.
Fire-hot bicolor that stands up to heat and tough conditions.
Beautiful blooms and unusual seed pods amidst lacy netting of greenery.
Scented French heirloom carnation for cutting garden with vintage look.
Well-known mix of singles and doubles.
Elegant and unusually colored blooms on long stems.
Colorful mix of large, radiant blooms.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Heirloom variety with warm, rich colors.
Versatile single stems, very uniform in bloom time and stem length.
Dwarf, branching plants loaded with red and gold flowers.
Glowing color blend of ruffled blooms.
Unique two-tone bloom color and excellent stem quality.
An absolute must for the cutting garden.
Huge 3–5" blooms on vigorous plants.
A wide range of colors for single bunches or mixed bouquets.
Exceptional fragrance and blooms over a long period of time.
Diverse mix with a playful range of colors and shapes.
Hardy, long-lived, and easy-to-maintain perennial.
Disease-resistant, compact, dwarf plants for garden beds and containers.