Classic Genovese basil flavor and aroma delivered in a neat and tidy package. Johnny's offers a highly-uniform compact Genovese strain — as well as disease-resistant options — in space-saving varieties ideal for containers. Whether you're growing hydroponically or potting up for retail sales, Johnny's high-quality selections will maximize your efforts. Choose from compact Genovese basil seeds in organic and conventional form.
6 Products
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Prospera® Compact DMR (PL4)
Organic (F1) Basil Seed
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Prospera® Compact DMR (PL4)
Organic Pelleted (F1) Basil Seed
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Genovese Compact, Improved Multi-Seed Pellet
Pelleted Basil Seed
Multi-seed pellets for precision sowing and convenience.