Peppers: Mostly Sweet with a Touch of Heat

Peppers: Mostly Sweet with a Touch of Heat

About Our Presenter
Steve BellaviaSteve Bellavia has worked for Johnny's for 30 years, primarily devoted to conducting vegetable research on the farm. As a Product Manager, Steve oversees our pepper program as well as most of our heading brassicas, rutabaga, parsnips, and other less common root vegetables. He is responsible for managing the assortment of these crops.

Welcome to the Resources page for our Webinar on Peppers: Mostly Sweet with a Touch of Heat. The webinar has taken place, but you can watch the full presentation on video and review materials about our award-winning pepper breeding and trialing program, key distinguishing characteristics to look for in your peppers, our product assortment rationale, and a few of our favorites, plus comparison tools and guidance for determining which varieties will perform best for your unique needs and preferences.

Q&A Panel
Nate Gorlin-CrenshawAs Product Technician at Johnny's, Nate Gorlin–Crenshaw manages variety trials for peppers and a range of other crops, including pumpkins and squash. Nate works in parallel with members of Johnny's Breeding team at the research farm.
Wes PalmerWesley Palmer is Johnny's Commercial Sales Representative for the Southeastern U.S. and U.S. Island Territories. Having grown up in Georgia, Wes is intimately familiar with the heat-associated challenges that southern growers face, and years of farming in the Virgin Islands have added to his experience with heat tolerance in vegetable production.

OVERVIEW: Steve Bellavia, Peppers Product Manager at Johnny's, together with Nate Gorlin–Crenshaw and Wes Palmer provide a tour of our sweet peppers line. While the primary focus is on sweet peppers — bells, specialty sweet, snack, and shishito types — we take a look at jalapeños as well. Delve into this selection of mostly-sweet with a touch-of-heat peppers with Steve, Nate, and Wes, and learn about such defining characteristics for pepper types and cultivars as adaptability, habit, flavor, yield, disease resistance, and best uses.

A Q&A session with participants follows the presentation.

Webinar Resources

Peppers: Mostly Sweet with a Touch of Heat • VIDEO
Here is a video of the webinar presentation and Q&A session. The full video runs approximately 1 hour. Watch…

Additional Pepper Resources from Johnny's

Johnny's Open-Pollinated Stewardship Project: Restoration of 'Hungarian Hot Wax' Pepper • Article
It took nearly a decade to restore the best qualities of a long-cherished open-pollinated (OP) variety. Here's how Johnny's achieved that goal through selective breeding, and now maintains a foundation stock of the improved strain to offer growers dependable seed, once and for all. Read More…

Johnny's Corno di Toro Peppers Rule • Press Release
Read about 'Escamillo' & 'Cornito Giallo', two All America Selections award-winning Corno di Toro peppers classically bred by Janika Eckert and introduced by Johnny's. Read More…

Johnny's Hot Pepper Palooza • 10 Types of Chilis to Bring the Heat to Your Harvest
Each year we curate our line of hot peppers for a diversity of markets — from Anaheim to Cayenne, Fresno to Ghost, Habanero and Jalapeño, here is a compendium of 10 types that bring the heat, with notes on the Scoville Heat Unit scale, along with origin, growing, and culinary features.  Read More…

Video: 'Baron' Poblano/Ancho Pepper • The classic, flat grilling pepper that's perfect for chilles rellenos
Simply roast 'Baron' on the grill, stovetop, or in the oven until the skin blackens, remove the skin by placing them in a paper bag for a few minutes, peel and stuff. If you're looking for a great, flat grilling Poblano/Ancho pepper, give 'Baron' a try. Watch…

Video: Hand-Pollinating Peppers at Our Research Farm • Classical Plant Breeding at Johnny's Selected Seeds
Our classical plant breeding program involves individually hand-pollinating generations of flowers over time, to develop new and improved varieties of peppers. We carefully select and trial on the basis of flavor, appearance, uniformity, disease resistance, and productivity under a range of growing conditions. Many Johnny's-Bred peppers have gone on to become award-winning grower favorites. Watch…

Peppers • Key Growing Information
Written by our research team, this reference contains the most essential information for growing peppers from seed. Read More… for a successful harvest! Read More…

How to Grow Great Peppers • Tips for Successful Pepper Transplants
Follow these pointers to grow the healthiest peppers possible, starting your peppers indoors, adhering to best timing practices, and observing the correct conditions for transplanting your pepper seedlings outdoors. Read More…

Field-Grown Pepper Production • Tech Sheet (PDF)
A technical guide to the production of field-grown peppers of a variety of types, with specifics on how to grow peppers successfully in an outdoor/field setting, from site selection, starting your plants, transplanting, trellising, and row cover; to diseases, pests, harvest, and storage. Read More…

Sweet Bell Peppers • Variety Comparison Chart (PDF)
A full-color, downloadable, printable (PDF) version of our Bell Pepper Variety Comparison Chart. Read More…

Greenhouse Peppers • Key Growing Information
Written by our research team, this reference contains the most essential information for growing greenhouse peppers from seed. Read More…

Greenhouse Bell Pepper Production • Tech Sheet (PDF)
A guide to production in a greenhouse or other protective structure, such as a hoophouse or high tunnel, whether high- or low-tech, this Tech Sheet provides instructions for seed sowing and propagation; fertility requirements; pruning in relation to stem number; transplanting and spacing of seedlings to accommodate temperature and density requirements of stem count; climate considerations; trellising and pruning techniques; pests and diseases; harvest; and storage requirements. Read More…

Basket-weave Trellising Instructions for Tomato & Pepper Plants • Tech Sheet (PDF)
Eliminate fruit-to-soil contact, improve plant health, and increase marketable yields with trellising. Higher-quality and easier-to-pick fruit translates into increased grower profits in the marketplace. Trellised plants remain upright, are easier to and harvest, and allow for more effective coverage should spraying become necessary. Trellising also promotes better air circulation that lowers humidity, allowing for more rapid drying following dew, showers, irrigation, or application of sprays. Read More…