Written by our research team, this reference contains the essential information for growing grafted tomato plants. Read more for a successful harvest!
Follow the recommendations in this Tech Sheet for best results with germination of 'Maxifort,’ an interspecific tomato cross — the product of traditional plant breeding crosses between a domesticated tomato parent and a wild tomato parent. To improve germination rate and uniformity, we recommend careful consideration of the measures we have outlined here.
Follow the instructions in this Tech Sheet as a preliminary guide to using your Side-Grafting Starting Kit. Kit Contents: Spare Blades for Miter-Cut Grafting Knife; Chapin 48-oz Hand Sprayer; (200) Spring-Loaded Side-Grafting Clips; 5) Large Clear Propagation Domes; (5) 72-Cell Plug Flats; (90) 3½” Square Pots; (5) Lightweight Mesh Trays; (5) Shallow White Leakproof Trays.
A slide deck recap of Johnny's Fundamentals of Tomato Grafting Webinar. Topics: • Why graft? • Rootstock selection • Demo: How to top-graft • Healing protocol • Grower experiences • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
Welcome to our Resources page for the Fundamentals of Tomato Grafting webinar, a list of materials to help provide you with the knowledge needed for small-scale production of grafted tomato plants.
Follow the detailed instructions in this Tech Sheet to reap all the benefits of side-grafting: overcome disease and production-related issues, improve overall crop health, reduce or eliminate pesticide use, lengthen harvest duration, and significantly increase net income. The entire process from sowing of rootstock and scion varieties to final transplanting of grafted plants into greenhouse soil or soilless medium normally takes 6-8 weeks. The major advantage of side grafting is that this method is more forgiving of differing stem diameters than top grafting...
Follow the detailed instructions in this Tech Sheet to graft desirable fruiting tomato varieties to vigorous, disease-resistant tomato rootstocks as a cost-effective method for overcoming disease and production-related issues; improving overall crop health; reducing or eliminating the need for pesticide use; lengthening harvest duration; and significantly increasing net income. The entire process from sowing of rootstock and scion varieties to final transplanting of grafted plants into greenhouse soil or soilless media normally takes 6-8 weeks.
Follow the detailed instructions in this Tech Sheet for best results when using your Top-Grafting Starter Kit (#7312).
Johnny's Tomato Trialing Technician Daniel Yoder provides a top-grafting demo. Daniel demonstrates both splice grafting and cleft grafting, with diagrams and recommendations for protocol and materials.
Join Johnny's Tomato Trialing Technician Daniel Yoder and Northeast Sales Rep alumna Julie Fine in an introduction to the fundamentals of top-grafting tomato plants.
Produced by the University of Vermont Extension, this video covers key elements of top-grafting and side-grafting greenhouse tomatoes, as well as cultural considerations for grafted greenhouse tomato plants. Additional notes on grafting of cucumbers and eggplants.
Illustrated step-by-step technique, tips, and guidelines to get you started top-grafting cucumbers to maximize yield and ROI, with Johnny's Vegetable Trial Technician, Nate Gorlin-Crenshaw.